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6 tree(s) planted in memory of Jack Bird
Jim McDonnell
and 6 others have purchased flowers for the family of Jack Bird. Send Flowers
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Kim MacLean-Gaudiosi planted a tree in memory of Jack Bird
Sunday, July 16, 2023

I am so sorry for your loss. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. With much love and fond memories of Jack and his love of family. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Jim McDonnell purchased flowers
Sunday, July 16, 2023

Jim McDonnell
purchased the Florist's Choice Bouquet and planted a memorial tree for the family of Jack Bird.
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Jack, you will be missed
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Jim McDonnell planted a tree in memory of Jack Bird
Sunday, July 16, 2023

Jack, you will be missed Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Suzanne Jawor posted a condolence
Sunday, July 16, 2023
I have so many fond memories of Jack. My favorite one is when he would do his magic tricks!! He really had a knack for performing!!
I will miss you Jack❤️
Ron Van Cleef planted a tree in memory of Jack Bird
Saturday, July 15, 2023

My deepest condolences to the Bird family. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Ron Van Cleef posted a condolence
Saturday, July 15, 2023
I was a good friend of Jack's wife Maria since childhood and also knew Jack from around the neighborhood in Kingsbridge. I would sometimes chat with him on the subway going to work many years back - we also played pool together at Off Broadway when we were younger. Jack was always friendly and made me feel welcome. He was a good and decent guy - my deepest condolences to the Bird family and all his loved ones.
Ron Van Cleef
Mary posted a condolence
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Jack you will be missed. I remember the night Maria introduced me to you, how you smiled every time you looked her way, that same smile that lit up your face when I visited after Shannon was born. How nice it was to see again on Shannon's wedding day!
You were a presence Jack and you will be missed.
My sincerest condolences to Diane, Maria, John and Michael.
Maria Bird uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, July 15, 2023




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Maria Bird uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, July 15, 2023




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Althea Aranda posted a condolence
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Our prayers are with all of you. We only met jack a few times but his love for his family was so evident. Shannon is truly the most thoughtful and kind young lady. Shannon learned this ftom maria and jack. Jack lives on in all of you. Hugs thea and mike aranda
Shannon Montani uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, July 15, 2023




+ 6
My father first met his grandson Louie during quarantine at the height of the pandemic. We broke a few rules for them to be able to meet. I’ll never forget my dads face when he saw and held Louie for the first time. He was over the moon!
My dad always had a surprise for Louie with every visit. When Louie started talking and expressing his interests, dad took on his interests as well. (Just like he would do with each of his children.)
Dad always made sure he had figures from Toy Story and Cars for Louie. When dad realized that Louie liked mini cars (or baby cars as Louie would say) Dad immediately jumped on that as well. He bought him baby fire trucks, baby ambulances, moving trucks, race cars, school buses, etc.
It definitely helped that it was a shared interest between the two.
Louie and I would call Grandpa every day. They would pass the time by making fart sounds at each other and It wouldn’t take long before these noises turned into fits of giggles. Louie would count for him, tell him which letters he was learning and of course tell Grandpa that he was playing with Grandpa’s cars. One of Louie’s favorite things was pressing the big red button at the end of each phone call. They would end each phone call by telling each other how much they loved each other. Then Louie would press the big red button as he said “See you later, Alligator!”
That was the last thing Louie ever said to his grandfather. So I’m taking this as a cue that my dad is always watching over us, that this is not a goodbye. This is a ‘see you later.’
So see you later, alligator! We love you so much.
Maria Bird posted a condolence
Saturday, July 15, 2023
I met Jack through a friend 38 years ago as I was coming home from the grocery store near my home.
I had bumped into my friend, Tommy, who was outside of the Deenside Pub which was on the corner of where I lived. While I was talking to Tommy, Jack came out of the Deenside to let him know that it was his turn in their pool game. Tommy asked Jack to stay with my while he went inside to shoot his game.
Jack immediately start showing me his magic tricks. I knew most of them because my brother was a magician. It frustrated him because I wasn't easily impressed. Finally, he said, "I bet you that you don't know this one. If I win, you will have to marry me"
I said, "Bet!"
"Pick a card!" There weren't any cards showing.
I said, "What card?"
"Just pick a card." He still presented no cards but I went along with it and pretended to pick a card. "Now look at it. Do you see it." I nodded. "Now turn it upside down and place it in this deck. "
I pretended to turn the invisible card upside down and placed it in an actual deck that Jack had pulled out o f his pocket.
"Do you remember your card?"
"What is it?"
I was a little confused at the question but thought about it. "I'm not going to pick the ace of spades. That's too easy. I'm not going to pick the queen of hearts. Most girls would pick that. I said, "Seven of diamonds." He took the cards and fanned them out and there was the seven of diamonds upside down in the deck.
"Now you have to marry me."
"I can't. I'm already engaged." I wasn't engaged but I wanted to get out of this bet.
"Where's your ring?"
"I'm getting it for my birthday."
"By the time your birthday comes around, you will be engaged to me."
We were engaged by my birthday and that's how it began.
I have many fond memories of Jack. I could write a book with them all but for now, I will talk about the memory that made me fall in love with him.
Jack and I were dating only about three weeks. He was walking me home from Inwood to Bailey Avenue in the Bronx and we were about to cross the 225th Street bridge. He looked over to me and started singing, "You're too good to be true...Can't take my eyes off of you...You'd be like heaven to touch...I wanna hold you so much...At long last, love has arrived...And I thank God I'm alive...You're too good to be true...Can't take my eyes off of you..."
This was the most endearing thing I have ever experienced; not only because of the gesture but because Jack could not sing at all.
Anytime we watch "10 Things I Hate About You," I always mention how Jack sang the same song only better because he could not sing all, and yet he did it in such a grand way.
Jack continued to sing over the years. He sang to me at our wedding during our first dance. He sang to our children when they were born and he sang to my daughter as they danced their Father & Daughter dance. He had the whole room in tears including me.
These are just a few of the many memories that I will hold close to my heart.
Diane Bird uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, July 15, 2023




+ 4
Diane Bird-Mullahey uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Jack was the best big brother a girl could have, my protector and teacher. We had a wonderful childhood with loving parents, family and friends, Inwood was the best for that. He has lifelong friends that is proof of that. He taught me to play pool when he had a table in his bedroom, that's right, his bedroom.. I got to see his magic tricks all the time, he'd practice on me. He was one of the most generous people you could have known. Jack will be missed by everyone who knew him, he had a very charismatic personality. Rest easy my brother, rest easy...
Shannon Montani uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




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Jawor James posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
I always got a kick out of his jokes and old pictures and his many gadgets!
John Bird uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




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Ed Morris purchased flowers
Friday, July 14, 2023

With my deepest sympathy on your loss. Rest In Peace Jack.
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Alyssa Bird uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




+ 1
Larry Montani posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
Jack was my Father In Law. He was always trying to make everyone laugh. He was the king of meme's before meme's existed. He used to carry print outs of some of these cartoons and jokes with him everywhere. In fact the 1st time I met him we were talking and he asked me if I wanted to see his "Pride & Joy"? He reached into his pocket to pull out a broken in leather wallet. So of course I'm think he's going to show me a picture of Shannon, Michael, and John. But in true Jack form he opened his wallet and took out a picture of Pride & Joy cleaning products (One of his favorite jokes). He was the eternal jokester always looking for a laugh. We both loved to shoot pool and would go shot for shot, always a close mmatch. He love to talk sports every visit, specifically the yankees and the giants. I will miss his jokes, our sports talks, shooting pool, and many more. I Love and miss you already.
John Bird posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
For as long as I can remember, my father was always a fun loving person. When he performed his magic tricks, he was the life of any party. I have many fond memories with him, from sword fighting with him and my brother, to him teaching me the basics of chess. My fondest memory happened when I was four or five years old. I was sitting in the living room watching my favorite show, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Dad walked in and saw me excitedly watching. He looked right at me and said “You know what you would like? Star Wars.” I was doubtful at first, but agreed to watch. From that point I was completely enamored with the series. When he saw how much I liked it, he recorded the movies onto an eight hour VHS tape so I could watch them whenever I wanted without having to ask him to get them. He got me many Star Wars action figures, and my first toy lightsaber. I will never forget watching the original trilogy sitting next to my dad on the living room couch. And all these years later, I will still quote with pride, “I am a Jedi, like my father before me.” I love you so much dad.
Anonymous purchased flowers
Friday, July 14, 2023

purchased the Written in the Stars and planted a memorial tree for the family of Jack Bird.
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To Shannon and family,I am so very sorry for your loss. Jack was a good man and you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
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Anonymous planted a tree in memory of Jack Bird
Friday, July 14, 2023

To Shannon and family,I am so very sorry for your loss. Jack was a good man and you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Alyssa Bird uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023



Laura and Daniel Higgins purchased flowers
Friday, July 14, 2023

Our deepest sympathy to the entire family for your loss. Jack will be sorely missed. Love always, Laura and Daniel
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Suzanne, Jimmy, Marguerite, Nick and family purchased flowers
Friday, July 14, 2023

Suzanne, Jimmy, Marguerite, Nick and family
purchased the America the Beautiful for the family of Jack Bird.
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With loving memories of "Jack Bird",
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Bernard Higgins purchased flowers
Friday, July 14, 2023

My deepest condolences to you all. Love always, Dad
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Alyssa Bird posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
Jack was my father in law, and he welcomed me into his family with open arms and treated me like his own.
He never forgot an important date, and would put plenty of thought into the gifts that he chose for you.
It was a dream come true to bring Dad and 3 of his grandkids to Disney in 2018.
We rode Small World, ate ice cream in Adventureland, and took the monorail round trip because it was one of Dad’s favorite memories from his visit to Disney in the eighties- he loved that the monorail went through the Contemporary. There were pizza parties in our All Star Sports room and we walked around Disney Springs in the pouring rain, laughing as we ran from shop to shop and tried to stay dry. We all had a wonderful time.
The happiest I’ve seen dad in a while was at a family party in February, surrounded by his kids, grandkids, wife and sister. He was smiling from ear to ear!
He was such a great guy and had a huge heart. I’m endlessly grateful for the time my children got to spend with him.
He will be so, so missed.
Barbara Boylan-Ansell posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
John and I were classmates in Good Shepherd. I was recently thinking of him. I was shocked to see the post of his passing on Facebook. My condolences to his wife, sister, children and grandchildren. I am sure he will be missed.
Maria Bird uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




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Maria Bird uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




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Shannon Montani uploaded photo(s)
Friday, July 14, 2023




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Anonymous purchased flowers
Friday, July 14, 2023

Sending you all love and prayers. Deepest Condolences- Aunt Mary , Uncle Bill and all of the Villano Family
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Michael Bird posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
My dad really loved performing magic. I loved watching him perform his tricks for people. One day he came to my elementary school and started performing card tricks for my classmates. My favorite trick that I liked seeing him do is when he made the deck move by itself and my card would pop out. I’ll never forget the looks on everyone’s faces when he was working his magic. Love you, dad.
Shannon Montani posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
My dad and I loved the song Butterfly Kisses. Before we had iPhones and iPods, my dad and I would watch tv for hours just to record the video so we’d be able to listen to it whenever we wanted. We were so excited when we finally found it. We ended up dancing to this song at my wedding. He sang it to me with tears in his eyes as we danced our father and daughter dance. This is just one of the many memories I have of my dad.
Love you dad. You’ll forever be in my heart. ♥️
Joan O'Brien posted a condolence
Friday, July 14, 2023
I have fond memories of Jack in the many years we lived at 3816. I would see him in the morning hurrying down the stairs to get your dog out before work. Quick hellos and he was off and running. We also shared fun times at the Punch Bowl laughing and listening to Karaoke. I will always remember him as a gentleman and very devoted father. May he rest in peace.
Judy Tarter planted a tree in memory of Jack Bird
Thursday, July 13, 2023

With deepest sympathy, Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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A Memorial Tree was planted for Jack Bird
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Riverdale Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Jack Bird uploaded a photo
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

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